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Local Tax Bureau, Keelung City


Introduction of the Bureau

Keelung City is a port city surrounded by mountains on three sides and it faces the ocean on the fourth. The city has a total area of 132.7589 square kilometers. The City is divided into seven administration districts.

During the Japanese occupancy, the Bureau was named Taipei State Keelung Tax Office. After the Restoration, administration districts in Taiwan were changed and the Bureau was renamed Local Tax Bureau, Keelung City . In January 1947, the organization of the central government was further restructured and the Bureau became Local Tax Bureau of Keelung City Government. Under the administration of the Department of Finance, Taiwan Provincial Government, the Bureau was responsible to collect various national, provincial and local taxes for the entire city. Starting from September 1992, the National Tax Administration became the body in charge of all national tax. On July 1st, 1999, business tax became a national tax. However, the Bureau continued to collect business tax on behalf of NTA. It was until January 1st, 2003 when NTA officially started to collect business tax for the nation.

The Bureau is responsible to collect various local taxes, including land value tax, agricultural land tax, land value increment tax, house tax, deed tax, amusement tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc. The Bureau also collects construction beneficiary fee for other institutions.


  • Date of announcement:2021/11/11
  • Unit:Public Services Section
  • Last updated: 2022/05/21
  • Views:1532