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Local Tax Bureau, Keelung City


Vehicle License Tax

The collection of license plate taxes in our country began in 1936. For purposes of revenue generation, some provinces, cities and prefectures began to collect license fees or user fees for cars and ships which are similar to a vehicle license tax. Due to differences in local procedures, the standards for collecting such fees differed widely in February 1947, all such collection procedures were standardized when the General Provisions for Vehicle License Tax Collection Law was promulgated. Following several amendments, this Law was superseded by the Vehicle License Tax Law in May 1950.

The Vehicle License Tax law was amended nine times between 1955 and 1979. Initially , this tax was collected directly by city and prefecture governments. Gradually, via the various amendments, the responsibility and was administered directly by cites. Very clear provisions now cover collection and registration procedures. Due to the rise in use has greatly increased and this tax has become a major source of revenue for local governments.

In 1979, Article 6 of the Law was amended in order to implement the government policies of discouraging wasteful expenditures on luxury items and encouraging energy conservation. Under the amended law, vehicle types were divided into three categories; 1) small passenger vehicles; 2) large passenger vehicles; and, 3) motorcycles. The license taxes are levied on a progressive basis according to the total cylinder displacement volume of the vehicle's engine.

In 1995, the law was amended in order to reduce the burden on people whose income is below the average level and to diminish the growth in private small passenger vehicles. Therefore, there is no tax on motorcycles below 150 cubic centimeters, and the tax on private small passenger vehicles or motorcycles above 151 cubic centimeters increased according to the total cylinder displacement volume of the vehicle's engine.

In 1998, the law was amended in order to loosen up the requirements of exemption on mentally and physically disabled persons, change the collection procedure from making public announcements for levy information to delivering tax notifications to taxpayers, and lower fine criterion.

A. Tax Scope
        The owner of any form of transportation equipment using public roads or rivers, notwithstanding whether the use is for public private or military purposes, must apply to the tax authorities for an appropriate vehicle license and pay the tax due. 
Public roads and rivers and those roads and rivers open for public use. 
Transportation equipment is defined as vehicle and vessels. At present, vessels used for transportation purposes and non-motorized vehicles are not subject to the collection of a vehicle license tax.

B. Taxpayers
        Owners or users of any form of transportation equipment subject to licensing hereunder are required to pay the vehicle license tax.

C. Tax Rates
        The vehicle license tax is levied upon motor vehicles according to the following rate schedules:

Vehicle License Tax Rates Chart for Small Passenger Vehicles
(Table 1 of Article 6, Vehicle License Tax Act)
Vehicle type Annual Fee (NT$)/Cylinder displacement (cm3)
Private Commercial
500 and below 1,620 900
501-600 2,160 1,260
601-1200 4,320 2,160
1201-1800 7,120 3,060
1801-2400 11,230 6,480
2401-3000 15,210 9,900
3001-4200 28,220 16,380
4201-5400 46,170 24,300
5401-6600 69,690 33,660
6601-7800 117,000 44,460
7801 and above 151,200 56,700
The tax rate for small vehicles used both as passenger car and truck shall be the same as that for small passenger vehicle for private use.


Vehicle License Tax Rates Chart for Large Passenger Vehicles and Trucks
(Table 2 of Article 6, Vehicle License Tax Act)
Vehicle type Annual Fee (NT$)/Cylinder displacement (cm3) Large passenger vehicles
(seating 10 or more)
500 and below - 900
501-600 1,080 1,080
601-1200 1,800 1,800
1201-1800 2,700 2,700
1801-2400 3,600 3,600
2401-3000 4,500 4,500
3001-3600 5,400 5,400
3601-4200 6,300 6,300
4201-4800 7,200 7,200
4801-5400 8,100 8,100
5401-6000 9,000 9,000
6001-6600 9,900 9,900
6601-7200 10,800 10,800
7201-7800 11,700 11,700
7801-8400 12,600 12,600
8401-9000 13,500 13,500
9001-9600 14,400 14,400
9601-10200 15,300 15,300
10201 and above 16,200 16,200
The tax rate for tractors shall be that for trucks plus 30%.


Vehicle License Tax Rates Chart for motorcycles
(Table 3 of Article 6, Vehicle License Tax Act)
Vehicle type Annual Fee (NT$)/Cylinder displacement (cm3) motorcycles
150 and below 0
151-250 800
251-500 1,620
501-600 2,160
601-1200 4,320
1201-1800 7,120
1801 and above 11,230


Table of Rates for Completely Electric-operated Small Passenger Vehicles 
(Table 4 of Article 6, Vehicle License Tax Act)
maximum horsepower Annual Fee(NT$)for Completely 
Electric-operated Small Passenger Vehicles
(Seating below 9 Persons)
(British System)
(Metric System)
Private Commercial
38 and below 38.6 and below 1,620 900
38.1-56 38.7-56.8 2,160 1,260
56.1-83 56.9-84.2 4,320 2,160
83.1-182 84.3-184.7 7,120 3,060
182.1-262 184.8-265.9 11,230 6,480
262.1-322 266.0-326.8 15,210 9,900
322.1-414 326.9-420.2 28,220 16,380
414.1-469 420.3-476.0 46,170 24,300
469.1-509 476.1-516.6 69,690 33,660
509.1 and above 516.7 and above 117,000 44,460


Table of Rates for Completely Electric-operated Motorcycles 
(Table 5 of Article 6, Vehicle License Tax Act)
Maximum Horsepower Annual Fee(NT$)for Completely Electric-operated Motorcycles
(British System)
(Metric System)
12 and below 12.2 and below 0
38.1-56 38.7-56.8 800
56.1-83 56.9-84.2 1,620
  • Date of announcement:2022/01/25
  • Unit:Vehicle License Tax Section
  • Last updated: 2022/07/14
  • Views:841